Why Strip Retina Images

If you run an image heavy site constantly throwing Apache errors + Database connection errors, chances are good serving 404 (broken link) Retina Images may be the primary or a contributor to your problem.

Ah…​ I can here the murmurs now…​ "Doesn’t apply to me. I have no Retina Images on my site."

Well, maybe not + if you’ve been so foolish as to install a theme which packages the horribly simplistic retina.js library, then your site’s likely creating substantial server drain due to this nonsense.

Read the Retina Stripper README for excruciating detail about how retina.js can destroy server performance on even large servers you think can handle any load.

This Plugin is Dirt Simple

All it does is register a high priority number hook to dequeue + deregister any $wp_script object which contains a src element containing a retina.js reference.

I opted to both dequeue + deregister the script, so if you’re using a debug tool like the fabulously elegant Debug Bar Plugin + a Debug Bar extension like What Scripts Styles Debug Bar or Debug Bar List Script & Style Dependencies, this plugin will strip all script occurrences, so quick search should show no retina.js references for quick check all’s well.

The plugin code allows for adding other offending scripts into an array, as you identify them.

Found Another Retina Image Script Destroying Your Site Performance?

Please open a support ticket for this plugin + I’ll add the script you’ve identified to the array of scripts to strip.

Only Retina Image related scripts will be added, to ensure this plugin remains a zero config + single purpose script.

Found Plugin Code Problem or Have an Enhancement Request

Please open a support ticket for this plugin + I’ll tend to answer quickly.